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代表作:少年英雄斯托姆,好莱坞明星宝贝,柏拉图的电影,夜晚的阿曼达,Girls on Girls


  Illinois-born Lisa De Leeuw got into porn because of a boyfriend who managed a movie house that showed X-rated films. At first reluctant, she eventually decided to give it a shot, and made her debut in the classic 800 Fantasy Lane (1979). She quickly became a favorite with fans, who appreciated her lush body, wild mane of red hair and voracious performances. She appeared in many films from what is now called the"Golden Age" of porn, and was one of the first performers to sign an exclusive contract with major adult production company Vivid Video. She won the Adult Film Critics Award for Best Actress in Amanda by Night (1981) and was inducted into the X Rated Critics Hall of Fame. She left the business in 1987.

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